Monday, August 1, 2011


My weigh-in stickers!
Well, I did it!  I lost another 3.2 lbs!  That makes 12.8 total!  I'm so happy!

Getting used to this Weight Watcher routine again has been a challenge, but, I did it!  I have been faithful to following the plan!   The only "slight" slip I had was Friday night.  Dan and I went out  (something we rarely do) for dinner.  We ended up at a Thai place not far from our house.  I did NOT log that meal, mostly because by the time I got home, I couldn't remember what the name of the dish was.  I know it involved chicken, rice and lots of coconut milk.  I was nervous that having that one meal would put me over the edge.

I remember my 8th grade teacher, Sister Madeline Carey, used to say..."You're going to get out of something what you're willing to put into it"!  This is so true!  I have been making a true effort everyday!  I'm trying to make healthier choices and I'm remembering to log everything I put into my mouth!  As a matter of fact, on Sunday I made some macaroni salad (with real Mayo).  I wanted some so bad but when I looked it up, it was 9 points for 3/4 of a cup!  No way was I going to waste 9 points on that. So, instead I just had a spoonful.  I counted that spoonful as 2 points...and moved on.  That was a victory for me!

Now that I have two weeks of weight loss under my belt, it's time to start thinking about the unthinkable....exercise!  I hate it, but I need to start figuring it in.  My friend Therese has been a true inspiration to me!  She is awesome!  Because of her, I've signed up to do the American Heart Association 5k coming up in September!  If you feel so inclined to sponsor me, please do, the link is on my sidebar.

My goal for this week is to walk for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week.  I'm not sure how this is going to play out as the weather is very hot and humid these days.  Hopefully, I can get my butt in gear either in the morning or in the early evening.  I will have to walk fast in order to out run the mosquitoes that hang out around my house!  I will keep you updated on my progress!

Thank you all for your support and encouragement, it's what keeps me going!
With each 5lb loss you get a sticker!


  1. You are awesome! And such an inspiration to me!!! :)

  2. You are a good inspiration. Therese shared your blog with me; for that, I am very happy. Keep up the great work!

  3. High fives and happy dances for you! Way to go!!!! Keep on truckin' baby...keep on truckin'!!! (Old Teamster lingo there...thought you might like that, hee hee)

  4. You are so awesome!!!!!! I'm very proud of you!!!
