Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I once lost 52 pounds with Weight Watchers!  This was about 6 years ago.  I remember that I weighed 252 lbs at the time and I got down to 200!  Part of this was because of the wonderful Weight Watcher's leader...Karen.  She was awesome!  For one thing, she was a Catholic!  I knew this because one night at a meeting, she brought a calendar as a prop for her lecture.  Upon closer inspection, I noticed it was a liturgical calendar.  After the meeting, she and I chatted and she shared they she and her family attended a parish several miles away.  She truly was instrumental in my weight loss.  Karen was strong and sensitive.  She was kind and firm.  She was understanding and refreshing.  She always smiled and always remembered my name.  She cheered me on when I had successes and encouraged me when I didn't do so well.  A very special lady.  She retired a few years ago...after 25 years with Weight Watchers!

I don't have that same connection with my current leader.  Right now, I don't have much choice as to what meeting I attend so I'm somewhat stuck.  Angela is a very sweet person, but we just don't click.  She is an elementary school teacher and, in some ways, she treats us like we are children.  The inflection in her voice is that of someone talking to a 5 year old.  Extremely irritating.

Anyway, I decided to see if I could find my old leader, Karen, on Facebook.  I figured, if nothing else, we could chat online or email back and forth.  For the life of me, I could not remember how to spell her last name.  So, I went to a favorite search engine (www.intelius.com) and plugged in her name. 
After some other searching, her obituary came up.  I was stunned.  Karen died suddenly about two weeks ago!  I can't believe it!  I'm so sad.

This is Karen's obituary.

That was the "bitter".  Here is the "sweet"....I lost 1.6 lbs this week!  That brings me to a total of 14.4 lbs!  I was slightly discouraged that it wasn't more, but I have to remember that Weight Watchers states the AVERAGE weight loss should be .5 to 2 lbs per week.  As long as it's not a gain, I'm good!

I didn't meet my commitment of walking for 30 minutes 3 days this week...but I did manage to walk one day for 30 minutes and then on Saturday, I did some vigorous house cleaning!  I mean, I ran around this house like a crazy woman changing sheets, folding laundry, cleaning out drawers and closets!  I still sit on my rear end a little too much, but I am getting better.

I've decided to start out this week with new energy and a new purpose!  I'm going to dedicate this blog and my weight loss journey to Karen's memory!  Because of Karen, I am more determined than ever to make it to Lifetime.  It may take me a few years....but I'm going to do it!

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon her.  May she rest in peace.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your friend.

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

    Congrats on your weight loss this week! :)
