Monday, August 15, 2011

Moving right along!

I had a good week!  I lost 3.2 lbs!  That put me over the 15 lb mark!  Actually, that's 17.6 total!  I am thrilled!  I worried all week, even to the point of breaking my own rule of stepping on the scale at home.  It's funny how my body works.  Last week, I was meticulous at journaling everything and eating on plan everyday....and I only lost 1.6 lbs.  However, this week, I lost twice that, even though I chowed down on some deep fried oreos at the local farmer's market!  Let me tell you, those suckers were worth EVERY BIT of the 12 points they cost me!  You have GOT to try them!  This particular vendor also deep fries Twinkies (ew) and Snickers Bars!  Don't freak out....I just stuck to the deep fried oreos covered in powdered sugar!  The way I figure it, you have to eat the things you like crave need like some of the time!

In other news, I have not kept up my commitment to walk 30 minutes, 3 times per week.  I'm finding it way too hot to be outside for very long.  In addition, school has started which means that my work schedule has changed.  I now work 4 days a week and so there is just less time.  However, I have just recently been introduced to Just Dance for the Wii!  Have you ever done this?  If you haven't (and you have a Wii), you really need to try this!  It is fun and it's exercise!  I really work up a sweat when we play!  This is my new favorite activity!  This I can do in my nice air-conditioned home!

That's it for this week!  Here's hoping I can break 20 lbs next week!


  1. Hi Nancy, I admire you... And your work here... I REALLY admire you for your willingness to tell 'your story.' Expressing real struggles is cathartic. It seems to extinguish negative emotional charges. Somehow. Like physical exertion does. Also, based on my own experience, others will be relieved to know they're not alone. Making a difference for others is where I'd eventually like to go with 'my story.' You see, I, too, am journaling on highly sensitive stuff... But I'm doing so privately for now. I'll let you know when/if that changes. Anyway, hats off to you my dear...

    I'm thinking the Just Dance activity might be 'just what the doctor ordered' for those of us 'trapped indoors in the winter time! Thanks for the tip.

  2. Sounds like you are doing a great job!
    And that Wii game sounds really fun! I will look for it:)
