Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Decision

Well, I've been mulling my options over now for several weeks.  I even sent a letter to the various CEO's of Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem and Medifast asking if there were any "scholarships" available.  They blew me least in the sense that they didn't even give me the courtesy of a response.  So I guess, that means NO!  I figured as much.

In light of all of that, I guess it's Weight Watchers again!  Sigh.  Let's see, this has to be at least the 7th or 8th time that I've officially done WW.  We're old friends.  This was not my first choice this time, never the less, Weight Watchers it will be.

Tomorrow, being a Monday, will be my start date.  I'm actually going to join and attend the meetings.  I guess they have this new Points Plus system and so I'll need to get all the details about it.  The old system worked fine for me before, but I'm told that this new way is better and more healthy.  We shall see.

Once I get my official weigh in numbers, I will share them here with you all.  I will also share a "before" picture.  This is new for me.  I've never posted a current picture of me in any of my blogs...or even Facebook for that matter.  However, it's time that I get real with myself...and with the world.

So, tomorrow it is.  See you then.

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