Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This web journal will not be pretty.  This won't be a fluffy, feel good place.  Nope.  This is going to be the place where I pour it all out!  And I mean ALL!  I won't be withholding anything here.  I can't.  I finally have to have a place where the truth of all the "weighty issues" in my life, can live.

The Bible says that "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).  It has to because I am literally at the end of my rope.  I am GOING TO DIE if I do not lose weight and exercise.  I do not have time for this!  I need to lose 100 lbs....yesterday!

I realize that this blog will not be a judgement free zone.  Anybody can read this and anyone can comment.  This leaves me extremely vulnerable, but that's OK.  Without hiding behind my pride, there really is no need to worry about being judged.  There is no one out there that knows my least not all of it.  There is no one who has walked in my shoes.  Good thing too....I have smelly feet!

In the coming day (or two), I will fill you in on all the important details and what my plans are.  Until then, Hurry Up and Weight!


  1. Hi Nancy! Thank you for following my blog (Little Bits and Peaces). I'm excited to read about your adventures here. I too need to lose a lot of weight (about 60 lbs. or so) and it sure is tough getting started! I took a mile walk today on our property, so that's good.

    Best wishes and I'll be reading! :)

  2. I don't care if it's 5 pounds you have to lose, it's hard to do when you don't really "want" to . . . because it's work and it is change and it's a challenge! I have to drop 30-35 pounds to be where I feel my best . . . but I am lazy as hell about it. I only walk every night and I'm eating less; not soda and alcohol is a "treat" (meaning hardly ever). That won't be enough and I know it. So, girl, I love ya. I know you can do this and I will pray hard and long for you. If you want it bad enough, you'll get it done. For myself, I need to want it bad enough before my health goes nuts. (cheering you on)
