Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First Meeting

Well, I made it to my first Weight Watcher meeting last night.  The sign up process was quick for a couple of reasons...first, I'm already in their computer from all the other attempts I've made and second, I already signed up for the Monthly Pass online.  It all went smoothly.

It seems like a good group of people.  I'm not sure about the leader yet.  I can't really tell if English is her first language or not.  There seems to be a slight accent there.  She kept pronouncing the word "essentials" as "essentuals".  For whatever reason, that struck me as funny.  She knows her stuff though and seems to be a good motivator.

The weigh in went OK.  That's always the hardest part for me.  When I step on the scale, I'm forced to face all of my emotional food demons.  I'm forced to realize that this is a very serious situation and if I don't do something now, I will die.

So, now is the time to share with the world what I'm fighting against.  Here is the particulars:

Height:  5'8
Weight:  294.5
Dress Size:  24
Shirt Size:  3X
Pants Size:  24

There it is.  All of it.  That's everything I've been hiding for all of these years.  Now everyone knows that I can't shop in a regular store.  Now everyone will know that I couldn't ride the Harry Potter ride a few weeks ago when our family went to Universal.  I was too fat.  Now, everyone will know that on two of the four flights that I took in May to go to Rome, I had to use a seat belt extension.  Now...everybody knows.
This is humiliating.  But I HAD to share this.

I know that I'll never be thin.  I just want to be at a place where I can buy clothes in a normal store.  I want to be able to fly and ride amusement park rides without the worry of being turned away.  I want to be able to walk around in public and not have strangers notice me because of my weight.  I don't want my kids to be teased because of me.  I just want food to stop being an obsession.

I think it's also important to share some photos of me.  These first couple of pictures are of me in my early adulthood.  I wanted you to be able to see that there is a thinner person within me and that I used to look normal......

This is me at about 18 years old.  I had NO stomach and look at those small arms.

This was me at about 19 or 20 at a friends wedding.  Although the stripes don't do me any justice...I had a very small waist....and only one chin.

This is me in the late 80's.  Still looking pretty slender and still only one chin.  This is where my emotional eating began.
This, of course, is my high school graduation picture.
This is my wedding picture...1997.
September 2001, my son was a year old.  Getting bigger.....
2005, after my second child was a year old.
Easter 2006
Going through chemo, 2008
January 2009 at Walt Disney World with Nathan (still no hair).
December 2009
February 2010...always hiding behind someone
Great Smokey Mountains, August 2010

January 2011, Universal

This is me and my best friend Becky on our way to Rome, May 2011
So there you have it.  This is me.  This is me at almost 300 pounds.  How did I ever get to this place?

My goal is to reach 200 lbs....that means I need to lose almost 96 pounds.  It almost sounds impossible.  But I'm going to stick with it and see where this goes.

I'm going to do my best NOT to weight myself at home.  Curiosity will probably kill me, but I'm really going to resist the need to weight everyday.  I will post my weight loss (or gain) every week.  I won't bore you with my menu plans or points for the day, except if I find a really good recipe I think is worth sharing.  I will share my struggles and successes as well as thoughts about the Weight Watcher program.  I will also post a picture of me monthly!  Let's hope each month, you will see less and less of me.

Thank you for your support!


  1. Nancy-

    You are a beautiful woman inside and out! I am so proud of you for taking this step. I can't watch you as you make this journey. I am praying for you! Please pray for me!

  2. I love seeing your eyes . . . they are full of life and love! Nancy, you are a beautiful woman - and STRONG to do this. You will do it, I just know it! I definitely will keep you in my prayers. God bless you!

  3. I am so thankful that you sent me a link for this beautiful blog. AND, that I know have a clear (AND BEAUTIFUL) image in my mind and heart when we talk, thanks to these wonderful photos:)

    I know how deep your faith and trust and spirituality runs Nancy.

    I know, that if you wish to "build up your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit" then you WILL do this thing FOR CHRIST...AND for yourself...but always and first and foremost...FOR HIM.

    Every time you make a wise choice, you are giving Him a gift and "shining up" His temple a little bit more.

    I am praying for you and thinking of you.

    And I am blessed to have you for a friend.


  4. I am glad I came back to read my comment...It should have said I can't WAIT to watch this journey!!!! Ufda!

  5. Nancy I have been crying and crying while reading this. I am 5 inches shorter than you.. and outweigh you by 20 lbs. :*( I've had lapband surgery for pities sake. And I'm still fat. I want you to know that you are one of the nicest, kindest, sweetest friends I've ever had. You have a beautiful heart and soul. I am so blessed to know you. And I am very very proud of you. You are in my prayers, dear friend. You're going to do well.. you've had so many things in your life and you've been so strong... I know you're going to do fantastic. Love you Sister!!!!

  6. I don't think anyone has such a supportive group of friends as I do. Thank you all so very much for your kind words. I will get through this...or I'll die trying!
    I love you all...

    Oh, and Therese....I knew what you meant girlfriend! No worries!

  7. Thank you for sharing and being so honest. I'm 5' 3" and weigh 202 lbs. and obviously really need to lose weight too.

    My sister has lost 30 lbs. on Weight Watchers in about 4 months, and that's without going to meetings (doing it on her own) and without exercising. (She's 5' 4" and was at about 230 starting.) I'm going to follow her and you and start counting too!

    It seems to me that if you've fought cancer, you can fight this too. *hugs*
