Wednesday, September 14, 2011

8 lbs!

That's how much I gained in the three weeks I've not been to Weight Watchers!  Can you believe it!  It's sad really.  I have only myself to blame.  I really didn't think it would be that much, though.  It goes to show that habits are hard to break.  Now, in my defense, I weighed in after I had been sitting outside in 100 degree heat with about 95% humidity for over an hour watching Amelia at soccer practice.  My ankles were swollen about double their normal size.   I didn't have time to sit down and put my feet up once I got home.  I had to make dinner and then go to the meeting.  Even my fingers were swollen!  I could not have removed my wedding ring if I tried!

Since Amelia's soccer practices are on Mondays, I've made an arrangement with her coach that I drop her off at 3pm...and then pick her up at 4:15pm.  That way, my weigh in at 5:30pm will be much more accurate because I won't be sitting outside in the sweltering heat...blowing up like a balloon.  Originally, my plan was to do a one hour power walk around the soccer field during their practices to get my activity points.  However,  I now see that doing that on a weigh in day is not a good idea.

Anyway, I'm back to it. This is going to be a long haul.  This is going to be my life.  There will be times when I will fall off the wagon and gain some back.  I just have to remain positive and not get discouraged.  I am not perfect and my weight loss journey will not be without hiccups.    I have GOT to find something else to deal with stress other than food.  This is my new do something else when all I really want to do is to eat!  I have never understood why food is so soothing or why it is that when I am feeling stressed, all I can think about is what my next meal will be. 

I'd like to be able to turn my desire for food into a desire for prayer.  Instead of stuffing my face, I'd like to be able to stop what I'm doing...think...and then pray.  Perhaps  I can make some changes this week.  Who knows!  Anything is possible.

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