Monday, March 26, 2012

Diet Coke

It's a good thing I didn't give up Diet Coke for Lent!  I would have never made it!  I know that there is nothing but poison in soda, but I can't help it...I'm addicted. 

Today before I left for work, I had my protein drink.  The package instructions suggest mixing the powder with milk but I can't have milk...too many carbs.  So, I've been mixing it with water and it tastes fine.  It gives me 20 grams of protein without any fat and with only 3 grams of net carbs.  I usually have this drink pretty somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00am.  It helps to keep my blood sugar level and it curbs my appetite.

Later, when I got to work, I went to the Bistro that's down the block and had two scrambled eggs and 2 slices of bacon (with a diet coke).

For lunch, I had a chicken Caesar salad with no croutons!

Right before I left to pick up the kids, I had a Atkins granola bar. 

For dinner, I had a piece of left over chicken (with skin), a sliced tomato with wine vinegar and a sprinkle of Gorgonzola cheese and two hard boiled eggs.  I fixed hot dogs for the while I was cleaning off the table, I ate a hot bun.

I usually don't eat as much as I did today.  I guess some days I'm hungrier than others.  I have no idea how many net carbs I ate....but my guess is not very many.  On the induction phase of Atkins (which I am not on...technically), they recommend 20 to 25 net grams of carbs per day and they want 13-15 of those carbs to be from vegetables.  I probably stayed within that today.

Since dinner I've been drinking only water....which is not a good idea considering this will mean at least 3 trips to the bathroom between now and when the alarm goes off in the morning!

My immediate weight goal is to get below 280!  I'm focusing on 10 lbs at a time.  My long term goal is to make it to 200 sometime within the next year.

Slow and steady wins the race!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I can't believe how I let myself go!  Things went from bad to worse.  I quit going to Weight Watchers....I just wasn't clicking with the leader.  In addition to that, Dan wasn't happy with shelling out $40 per month. 

Along with gaining all the weight back that I had lost....I gained several more.  I felt awful!  I couldn't breathe, I couldn't tie my shoes and I just generally felt like crap.  I got on the scale one day (with my clothes, shoes and breast prosthesis) and I couldn't believe my eyes!  The scale said 308 lbs! 

My father died at age 47.  I turned 47 this past January.  At that moment, I realized that I had better do something...and fast.  It was two days before Lent was to start and I knew at that moment what I was going to do.  I gave up carbs for Lent. 

I won't bore you with all the details, but I can honestly say that it is going well.  I needed the extra commitment that the season of Lent gave me.  I haven't had a piece of bread, a potato, rice, dairy products (except cheese and half & half), sugar or flour in 34 days!  I have lost almost 20 lbs...depending on what time of day I weigh and which scale (I have two)! 

What is even better than the weight loss is that I feel 100% better.  I have a ton more energy...I'm sleeping better and I can breathe!  I can even tie my shoes.  My clothing size hasn't really changed yet...but everything is fitting better!  I am NOT going back to my old ways once Easter arrives! 

My diet is much different now.  In the morning, I start out with a protein drink that gives me 20 grams of protein with only 3 grams of carbs.  Then, I might have a vege omelet late morning.  For's usually a salad, sometimes with chicken...sometimes no meat.  For dinner, I'll usually have roasted vegetables with a meat.  If I'm hungry later on in the evening, I might have an Atkins shake or bar.

My new favorite thing is making mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes.  It's sooo good.  I steam the cauliflower until it's soft, then use the hand mixer and blend in real butter and a touch of half & half.  Sometimes, I'll add some Parmesan cheese too.  Obviously, it doesn't taste like potatoes, but it's very good and gives you the feeling of eating carbs.  It's really good with a broiled steak and roasted veges.  They are also good cold.

I want to live past 47.  I want to live past 87, actually!  I can't beat cancer and then end up dying of a heart attack because of being too fat!  I won't let that happen!

Please keep me in your prayers.  I need them.  I have an appointment with my oncologist in May....I will wait for an "official" weight until then.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm here.

I'm on this journey again.  I'm beginning to think that there is no end to this road.  More details to follow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Colds and Oreos

The whole house has been battling nasty colds since the weekend.  I have felt pretty crappy for several days.  Every morning when I wake up I expect to feel better, but I don't.  I didn't go to Weight Watchers this week.  I've not had much of an appetite either.....although I was feeling hungry just now and I ate 8 Halloween Oreo Cookies with a glass of milk. 

I'm not sure where my motivation for weight loss has gone, but it has totally left me.  Over the last several weeks, I just haven't cared.  I think there is something seriously wrong with me!  I mean, I'm all gung-ho for a month or so, and then I fizzle out.  My goal was to lose 30 lbs by Christmas!  At this rate, I'll be lucky if I can keep of what I've already lost.

I hate to blame my boredom on anybody except myself, but I have to tell you, I am just NOT CLICKING with this WW Leader.  I am going to see if I can change meeting days.  Monday was the best day based on everybody's schedules....but I just dread going.

If I were to be totally and brutally honest with you, I'd tell you that I saw my therapist today.  I haven't seen him since February!  I think I'm getting to the point of being overwhelmed again.  When I start feeling like that...I know what comes next....LOTS of eating.  Eating makes me feel soothes me. So, I called Dr. R. last week and got an appointment for today.  It was good to see him and good to get some things off of my chest.

It's funny that when you actually put words to the thoughts you've been thinking...when you share it with someone else....those thoughts seem a lot more benign and meaningless that when you had them all hyped up in your head.

Still, I grabbed 8 Oreos....instead of a banana.  Will I ever get to the point where I don't look for food to cure what ails me?

Monday, September 26, 2011


Just got back from my weigh in....I lost 1.8 lbs!  That was CLOSE!  This has really helped with my motivation.  Tonight at the meeting, WW introduced us to the "Dr. Oz Challenge".  Now, I have never watched an episode of Dr. Oz, but apparently he is partnering with Weight Watchers for a $1,000,000 give away and a healthier lifestyle.  It's called the Dr. Oz Million Dollar You!  You can find out the details HERE!

I went ahead and signed up because I have nothing to lose....but weight!  Join with me......please! 

Until next week!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Little Late!

I'm finally posting about my weigh in from LAST WEEK!  Here's the good news......I didn't gain any weight!!!  Here's the bad news.....I didn't lose any weight!  Yep!  I stayed exactly the same....282.8.
I'm still hanging on...not totally on program but not exactly off the wagon either.  It's a strange place I'm in right now.  The stress that I'm feeling is beyond what I've had to deal with in a long time.   To an over eater like me, stress is a bad word.  Stress it what fuels my appetite.  I'm not sure why, but eating makes me feel better.  I feel safe and happy.  I feel in control.  It's a sick circle.

In other news, I did the Heart Walk yesterday!  It was a lot of fun.  Dan and the kids came with me.  Our plan was for all of us to walk the 5K, however, after walking about 2 blocks, the girls were already complaining.  It was HOT.  Probably close to 90 degrees and there wasn't a cloud in the sky!  Most of the course was in the sun.  It was brutal.  Dan and the girls turned around and went back to Metro park and sat in the shade.  Nathan stayed with me.  I wish someone would tell me why they plan a walk, supporting the American Heart Association during the hottest month of the year!  Why don't they plan if for.....say....February? 

I'm told there were at least 15,000 walkers and I believe we raised about $1,000,000!  I want to thank my mother-in-law, and my friends Cindy B and Kathy D for their generous donations and support.
There were about 500 Baptist Hospital Employees that participated.  We took a group picture before the walk started.  I will share that picture as soon as I can!

Well, I have another weigh in tomorrow!  The only thing that might save me from another mediocre the walk yesterday.  Let's hope that those 3 miles and tons of water helped me.

See you next week!