Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Colds and Oreos

The whole house has been battling nasty colds since the weekend.  I have felt pretty crappy for several days.  Every morning when I wake up I expect to feel better, but I don't.  I didn't go to Weight Watchers this week.  I've not had much of an appetite either.....although I was feeling hungry just now and I ate 8 Halloween Oreo Cookies with a glass of milk. 

I'm not sure where my motivation for weight loss has gone, but it has totally left me.  Over the last several weeks, I just haven't cared.  I think there is something seriously wrong with me!  I mean, I'm all gung-ho for a month or so, and then I fizzle out.  My goal was to lose 30 lbs by Christmas!  At this rate, I'll be lucky if I can keep of what I've already lost.

I hate to blame my boredom on anybody except myself, but I have to tell you, I am just NOT CLICKING with this WW Leader.  I am going to see if I can change meeting days.  Monday was the best day based on everybody's schedules....but I just dread going.

If I were to be totally and brutally honest with you, I'd tell you that I saw my therapist today.  I haven't seen him since February!  I think I'm getting to the point of being overwhelmed again.  When I start feeling like that...I know what comes next....LOTS of eating.  Eating makes me feel soothes me. So, I called Dr. R. last week and got an appointment for today.  It was good to see him and good to get some things off of my chest.

It's funny that when you actually put words to the thoughts you've been thinking...when you share it with someone else....those thoughts seem a lot more benign and meaningless that when you had them all hyped up in your head.

Still, I grabbed 8 Oreos....instead of a banana.  Will I ever get to the point where I don't look for food to cure what ails me?


  1. I am so proud of you! You will conquer this! You are inspiring me!

  2. Keep being honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up with the honesty. You are acknowledging you have a weakness . . . and there's power and strength in that! I BELIEVE IN YOU and your ability to conquer this.

    Love ya, chickie. Also, thank you so much for the beautiful card - your kindness absolutely floors me.
