Sunday, March 25, 2012


I can't believe how I let myself go!  Things went from bad to worse.  I quit going to Weight Watchers....I just wasn't clicking with the leader.  In addition to that, Dan wasn't happy with shelling out $40 per month. 

Along with gaining all the weight back that I had lost....I gained several more.  I felt awful!  I couldn't breathe, I couldn't tie my shoes and I just generally felt like crap.  I got on the scale one day (with my clothes, shoes and breast prosthesis) and I couldn't believe my eyes!  The scale said 308 lbs! 

My father died at age 47.  I turned 47 this past January.  At that moment, I realized that I had better do something...and fast.  It was two days before Lent was to start and I knew at that moment what I was going to do.  I gave up carbs for Lent. 

I won't bore you with all the details, but I can honestly say that it is going well.  I needed the extra commitment that the season of Lent gave me.  I haven't had a piece of bread, a potato, rice, dairy products (except cheese and half & half), sugar or flour in 34 days!  I have lost almost 20 lbs...depending on what time of day I weigh and which scale (I have two)! 

What is even better than the weight loss is that I feel 100% better.  I have a ton more energy...I'm sleeping better and I can breathe!  I can even tie my shoes.  My clothing size hasn't really changed yet...but everything is fitting better!  I am NOT going back to my old ways once Easter arrives! 

My diet is much different now.  In the morning, I start out with a protein drink that gives me 20 grams of protein with only 3 grams of carbs.  Then, I might have a vege omelet late morning.  For's usually a salad, sometimes with chicken...sometimes no meat.  For dinner, I'll usually have roasted vegetables with a meat.  If I'm hungry later on in the evening, I might have an Atkins shake or bar.

My new favorite thing is making mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes.  It's sooo good.  I steam the cauliflower until it's soft, then use the hand mixer and blend in real butter and a touch of half & half.  Sometimes, I'll add some Parmesan cheese too.  Obviously, it doesn't taste like potatoes, but it's very good and gives you the feeling of eating carbs.  It's really good with a broiled steak and roasted veges.  They are also good cold.

I want to live past 47.  I want to live past 87, actually!  I can't beat cancer and then end up dying of a heart attack because of being too fat!  I won't let that happen!

Please keep me in your prayers.  I need them.  I have an appointment with my oncologist in May....I will wait for an "official" weight until then.

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