Monday, March 26, 2012

Diet Coke

It's a good thing I didn't give up Diet Coke for Lent!  I would have never made it!  I know that there is nothing but poison in soda, but I can't help it...I'm addicted. 

Today before I left for work, I had my protein drink.  The package instructions suggest mixing the powder with milk but I can't have milk...too many carbs.  So, I've been mixing it with water and it tastes fine.  It gives me 20 grams of protein without any fat and with only 3 grams of net carbs.  I usually have this drink pretty somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00am.  It helps to keep my blood sugar level and it curbs my appetite.

Later, when I got to work, I went to the Bistro that's down the block and had two scrambled eggs and 2 slices of bacon (with a diet coke).

For lunch, I had a chicken Caesar salad with no croutons!

Right before I left to pick up the kids, I had a Atkins granola bar. 

For dinner, I had a piece of left over chicken (with skin), a sliced tomato with wine vinegar and a sprinkle of Gorgonzola cheese and two hard boiled eggs.  I fixed hot dogs for the while I was cleaning off the table, I ate a hot bun.

I usually don't eat as much as I did today.  I guess some days I'm hungrier than others.  I have no idea how many net carbs I ate....but my guess is not very many.  On the induction phase of Atkins (which I am not on...technically), they recommend 20 to 25 net grams of carbs per day and they want 13-15 of those carbs to be from vegetables.  I probably stayed within that today.

Since dinner I've been drinking only water....which is not a good idea considering this will mean at least 3 trips to the bathroom between now and when the alarm goes off in the morning!

My immediate weight goal is to get below 280!  I'm focusing on 10 lbs at a time.  My long term goal is to make it to 200 sometime within the next year.

Slow and steady wins the race!

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